User Manual for FR VM

Virtual Machine Management Made Easy

1. Introduction

FR VM is a powerful and intuitive virtual machine management software designed for efficient virtualization. With FR VM, you can easily create, manage, and optimize virtual environments for personal and professional use.

2. System Requirements

Before installing FR VM, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

3. Installation Guide

Step 1: Download

Step 2: Installation

Step 3: Activation

4. Getting Started

4.1 Launching FR VM

4.2 User Interface Overview

5. Core Features

5.1 Creating Virtual Machines

5.2 Managing Virtual Machines

6. Advanced Usage

6.1 Networking Configuration

Configure network settings for VMs to enable internet access or create isolated environments. Options include NAT, Bridged, and Host-Only Networking.

6.2 Script Automation

Automate repetitive tasks using built-in scripting tools. Example: Create a script to schedule periodic VM snapshots.

6.3 Hardware Configuration

FR VM provides advanced options to simulate the hardware environment of a real computer, allowing you to tailor virtual machine hardware to specific needs. This feature is crucial for testing, debugging, or running specialized software. Below are the configurable options:

To configure hardware settings, open the "Settings" menu for your VM, navigate to the "Hardware" tab, and customize the options as needed. Ensure you save the changes before starting the VM. After configuring hardware, click "Save Settings" to apply changes. The VM will require a restart for the changes to take effect.

7. Support

Contact Information:

Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM (UTC). Response Time: Within 24 hours for email inquiries.